Hyun Shin-gyoon

    Consulting Industry Veteran and IT Expert, Leads Strengthening of DX Technological Competitiveness

    Last Updated on Sep 10, 2024

Life Summary

Hyun Shin-gyoon is the Vice President and CEO of LG CNS.

He was born on February 25, 1965, in Seoul.

He graduated from Seoul High School and earned a degree in Computational Statistics from Seoul National University.

He also obtained a master’s degree in Statistics from Seoul National University and completed a Ph.D. program in Statistics at the University of Wisconsin.

Prior to joining LG, he built his career primarily at foreign consulting firms such as Accenture, US West Communications, the United Nations (UN), and A.T. Kearney. In 2010, he joined LG Display, marking his first involvement with the LG Group.

After moving to LG CNS in 2017, he held positions including Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Head of the D&A Business Division. In 2023, he was appointed Vice President and CEO of LG CNS.

He is an IT technology expert with extensive experience in consulting on IT process innovation for various companies. He is currently leading efforts to strengthen LG CNS’s digital transformation (DX) capabilities, with global competitiveness and the company's initial public offering (IPO) identified as key challenges.

#HyunShinGyoon #LGCNS #digitaltransformation #DX #ITconsulting #globalcompetitiveness #LGGroup #IPO #Accenture #ATKearney #technologyleadership
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