CEO of Yuhan Corporation
Cho Wook-je
Veteran in Sales and Marketing, Emphasizing Ethics and ESG Management
Last Updated on Dec 26, 2023
Cho Wook-je is the CEO and President of Yuhan Corporation.
He is striving to advance to the top 50 global pharmaceutical companies by 2026, focusing on developing new drugs such as "Lekraza" for non-small cell lung cancer treatment.
Born on January 2, 1955, he graduated from Masan High School in Gyeongnam and the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at Korea University.
After joining Yuhan Corporation, he worked in the sales department for 30 years, specializing in sales and marketing.
In 2021, he succeeded the former CEO and President Lee Jung-hee.
The CEO of Yuhan Corporation can be reappointed once, so if there are no issues, he is expected to oversee the management of Yuhan Corporation until March 2027 for a total of six years.
He emphasizes ethics, compliance, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) management.
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