• President of Korea Gas Corporation
    Choi Yeon-hye

    Meticulous Personality and Detailed Work Instructions, Nicknamed 'Iron Lady'

    Last Updated on Nov 30, 2023

Life Summary

Choi Yeon-hye is the President of Korea Gas Corporation.

As of the third quarter of 2023, she is focused on solving the overdue payment issue that exceeds KRW 15 trillion (US$ 10.8 billion) and improving the financial soundness of Korea Gas Corporation.

She was born on April 2, 1956, in Yeongdong, Chungcheongbuk-do.

She graduated from Daejeon Girls' High School and majored in German Language and Literature at Seoul National University.

She earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim in Germany.

She served as an invited research fellow at the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), a professor at Korea Railroad College, and chaired the Business Evaluation Committee at the predecessor of Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL), the Railroad Office. She participated as an advisor for the Economic Section 2 of the Presidential Transition Committee during the Participatory Government.

She was the Chairman of the Railway Fare and Tariff Policy Deliberation Committee, Deputy Director of the Railroad Office, and Vice President of KORAIL. She served as the Dean and then the President of Korea Railroad College.

She was active as a member of the Railway Industry Structural Reform Promotion Committee under the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Vice President of the Korean Society for Railways, and President of the World Association of Railway Universities.

In the 19th general election, she ran as the Saenuri Party candidate for Seo-gu 2nd district in Daejeon but was not elected. The following year, after the Park Geun-hye administration was inaugurated, she was appointed President of KORAIL.

After resigning from KORAIL, she ran as a proportional representative for the Saenuri Party in the 20th general election and was elected. During the 20th National Assembly, she was active in the Trade, Industry, Energy, SMEs, and Startups Committee and the Science, ICT, Broadcasting, and Communications Committee.

Although she did not run in the 21st general election, she chaired the Special Committee on Nuclear Power Plant Phase-Out Measures in Yoon Suk-yeol's presidential campaign during the 20th presidential election.

In 2022, she was appointed President of Korea Gas Corporation, making her the first female president of both KORAIL and Korea Gas Corporation.

As President of KORAIL, she strongly responded to the railway union strikes, earning her the nickname "Iron Lady."

She is known for her meticulous and detail-oriented personality in her work.

#ChoiYeonhye #KoreaGasCorporation #KRW15trillion #financialsoundness #SeoulNationalUniversity #UniversityofMannheim #KORAIL #20thNationalAssembly #IronLady #detailoriented
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