• CEO of Naver Corp.
    Choi Soo-yeon

    Young 40s Leadership to Lead Naver, Personable and Approachable

    Last Updated on Jan 11, 2024

Life Summary

Choi Soo-yeon is the CEO of Naver.

She is focusing on global business expansion and targeting the MZ generation.

She was born on November 3, 1981, in Gwangju Metropolitan City.

She graduated from Gwangju Dongshin Girls' High School and the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems Engineering at Seoul National University.

She joined NHN and worked in the communication and marketing department. After leaving the company, she enrolled in the Law School at Yonsei University.

She worked as a corporate M&A and capital markets lawyer at the law firm Yulchon.

She rejoined Naver and oversaw the global business support department before being appointed CEO in 2022.

She is known as a young leader with a keen sense of global market and business strategy.

She is well-known for her good communication with employees and her sociable nature.

#ChoiSooYeon #Naver #CEO #GlobalExpansion #MZGeneration #Gwangju #SeoulNationalUniversity #YonseiLawSchool #Yulchon #Leadership
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